Professor Paola Manes will take part as speaker and moderator at the round table on “Nuovi orizzonti per governare l’innovazione” (‘New horizons to govern innovation’), which will take place as part of the event “Responsabile AI e Compliance: strategie per affrontare le nuove sfide normative” (‘AI and Compliance Manager: strategies to face the new regulatory…

Professor Paola Manes will speak within the “Giornata della Trasparenza della Regione Emilia-Romagna e degli Enti regionali” (Day of Transparency of the Emilia-Romagna Region and Regional Authorities), which had been rescheduled due to bad weather and will be held on 11 October 2024 at the Aula Magna of the Region in Bologna; the topic of the…

Professor Paola Manes will moderate the conference organised by the Fondazione Forense Bolognese, to be held on 18 October 2024, “Gli enti del terzo settore: innovazione, autonomia privata e regolazione al servizio della collettività” (“Third sector organisations: innovation, private autonomy and regulation at the service of the community”). The event will host high-profile experts and…

Professor Paola Manes will take part in the presentation panel of the book “Il Codice di Corporate Governance – da soluzione a problema” (“The Corporate Governance Code – from solution to problem”), written by Vincenzo Cariello, Professor of Commercial Law at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, to be held on 21 May…

Professor Paola Manes, on Monday 8 April 2024, will talk on “Successo sostenibile e governo dell’impresa” (“Sustainable success and corporate governance”) in the seminar “Mercati Regolamentati – il ruolo del collegio sindacale nel modello di governance e nei rapporti con le altre funzioni di vigilanza – le nuove norme di comportamento” (“Regulated Markets – the…

Professor Paola Manes will speak on the topic “Intelligenza Artificiale e sanità: le nuove frontiere della medicina” (“Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare: the new frontiers of medicine”) during the 3rd Meeting Lions Club Bologna Ets to be held on March 15 in Bologna. The event will be attended by representatives of Institutions, as well as a…

Professor Paola Manes will speak as discussant with a talk on “Atti dispositivi inter vivos e tutela del futuro legittimario” (“Deeds of disposition inter vivos and protection of the future legitimary”) with Dr. Mauro Criscuolo, Member of the Court of Cassation, within the Focus of the Master’s Degree Course in Family Law “Il Diritto delle…

Prof. Paola Manes will coordinate the panel discussion scheduled for 28 February 2024 for the presentation of the book “Strategia e leadership nella storia – lezione per i manager” (“Strategy and Leadership in History – Lesson for Managers”), written by Gianfranco Di Pietro and Andrea Lipparini and published by Il Mulino. The book traces the…

Professor Paola Manes, takes part in the scientific committee of the training course “Il Trust e il Diritto di Famiglia” (“The Trust in Family Law”) organised by the Fondazione Forense Bolognese, under the patronage of Il Trust in Italia. High-profile experts in the field of trusts and family law will speak during the six scheduled…

Prof. Paola Manes, on 25 January 2024, will delve into the topics related to “Business Regulation and Climate Risks”, taking part as a speaker at the important event Cambiamento climatico e filiera delle imprese: infrastrutture e PMI nella transizione verde” (Climate Change and the Business Supply Chain: Infrastructure and SMEs in the Green Transition) organised…

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