A Comment on the Order of the First Civil Section of the Court of Cassation No. 9 of 2nd January 2024 L’abuso di posizione dominante finisce sotto la lente della Suprema Corte di Cassazione – Euroconference Legal (eclegal.it)
Prof. Paola Manes, on 25 January 2024, will delve into the topics related to “Business Regulation and Climate Risks”, taking part as a speaker at the important event Cambiamento climatico e filiera delle imprese: infrastrutture e PMI nella transizione verde” (Climate Change and the Business Supply Chain: Infrastructure and SMEs in the Green Transition) organised…
A Comment on the Order of the First Civil Section of the Court of Cassation No. 25594 of 1st September 2023 Patto leonino: esclusione parziale o temporanea del socio a partecipare al rischio d’impresa e agli utili – Euroconference Legal (eclegal.it)
On 31 January 2024, the deadline for submitting the first #CBAM report will expire, which requires the full cooperation of the non-EU supplier. But what happens if such cooperation is lacking? And what are the instruments to protect the CBAM declarant? A contribution by Federica Maria Bucci – Ph.D. on #quotidianoipsoa. CBAM: prima relazione entro…