Cartwright-Pescatore, with a team composed by Giacomo Pescatore, Beatrice Cremonese and Dario Zanotti, and Studio Professionisti Associati Modena, led by Franco Rossi, as financial advisor, assisted Sielte S.p.A, a leading Italian company in the telecommunications and digital services sector, in the acquisition of the majority of the share capital of Bitfox S.r.l., a company owned by Deltem S.r.l. and established in the province of Treviso, which has been active for over twenty years in the field of technological systems and mainly in railway signalling and telecommunications.

Deltem S.r.l. and Bitfox S.r.l. were assisted from the legal point of view by Grimaldi Alliance, with a team composed by Vittorio Titotto and Francesca Sonego, and by Studio Faldini Rossi e Associati, led by Germano Rossi, as financial advisor.

The Transaction was achieved through the direct purchase of a shareholding and the simultaneous subscription of a capital increase reserved through the full contribution of the Transport Business Unit of Sielte.

Thus, Sielte Trasporti S.r.l. was born, which will be majority-owned by Sielte, while the former holding company Deltem will continue to be present in the share capital with a minority stake.


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