Cartwright Pescatore, with a team composed by Avv. Giacomo Pescatore and by Avv. Beatrice Cremonese, Avv. Luigi Chiarello of the Chiarello-Tomei law firm and Dr. Carlo Alfonso Lovato, Senior Partner of the Aicardi & Partners firm assisted the Italpizza Group with regard to all the legal aspects of the operation that led to the award, through a competitive auction at the Court of Brescia, of the business branch of the competitor Mantua Surgelati S.p.A. of Castelbelforte (which has five factories for a total of 40,000 square meters, 7 lines with different technologies for a production capacity of about 240 million pizzas per year; today it employs about 450 employees, and in 2021 it reached a turnover of over € 100 million).
As indicated by the founder and President of Italpizza, Cristian Pederzini, in the press release relating to the award, thanks to the integration of the two companies, the Italpizza Group will include 8 production plants and 2 warehouses, for a total of 15 production lines comprehensive of all technologies present in large-scale distribution markets, for a production capacity of approximately 435 million pizzas per year; it will employ over 1,600 employees in the various sites and will reach a post-integration turnover of approximately € 350 million (over 60% for exports). With these numbers, the Italpizza Group confirms itself as the first international producer of Italian pizzas, thus becoming one of the first producers of pizzas in Europe and in the world.