A comment on judgement No. 1039/2022 of the Specialised Enterprise Chamber of the Court of Bologna, published on 21 April 2022. L’esercizio del diritto di rivalsa nel patto di manleva sotteso ad un contratto di cessione di quote [eclegal.it]
A comment on judgement No. 3961 of 11 May 2022 of the Court of Milan. Responsabilità dell’amministratore: bisogna dimostrare non solo l’illecito perpetrato, ma anche il pregiudizio alla società [eclegal]
The injunction ordering an Italian limited liability company to disclose specified documents to its shareholder pursuant to Article 2476 of the Italian Civil Code must be interpreted restrictively A comment on Court of Turin, Order of 26 January 2021 L’ordine di esibizione di determinati documenti sociali ex art. 2676 c.c. va interpretato restrittivamente [eclegal]
As part of the prestigious Uniforma Master’s degree in trusts law in countries of origin and in Italy, now in its 23rd edition, entirely held through the zoom platform, Professor Paola Manes will take part with a lecture, in course 1, on 17 February 2023. “Il diritto dei trust nei Paesi di origine e in…
On 23rd January 2023, from 9.45 a.m., the first conference of the journal “Trust e attività fiduciarie in rete” will be held in Rome, with a programme of great interest for academics, young researchers and professionals. From tax novelties to family trusts, from destination bonds to trustees’ fiduciary duties in the light of ESG criteria….
Also this year, Professor Paola Manes will take part in the Master’s Course “The Wealth Planning Specialist”, with an interesting lesson on trusts that will be held on Thursday 1st December 2022 from 2 to 5 p.m.. The training course, now in its third edition, conceived by AIDC – Milan Section and Fondazione dei Dottori…
On 29 November, from 9 to 12, the Alumni Event will be held at Palazzo Malvezzi: organised by Professor Paola Manes, the event is part of her Insurance & Financial Law course, in the LLM in Legal Studies. It will be an important opportunity for students and young professionals working in international law firms, banks…
A comment on Order No. 21422 of 6 July 2022 of the First Civil Chamber of the Italian Court of Cassation. Qual è la sorte del finanziamento del socio alla società dopo l’azzeramento della sua partecipazione? [eclegal.it]
Cartwright Pescatore, with a team composed by Avv. Giacomo Pescatore and by Avv. Beatrice Cremonese, Avv. Luigi Chiarello of the Chiarello-Tomei law firm and Dr. Carlo Alfonso Lovato, Senior Partner of the Aicardi & Partners firm assisted the Italpizza Group with regard to all the legal aspects of the operation that led to the award,…