A commentary on the judgment no. 1587/2020 of 11/11/2020 of the Specialised Enterprise Chamber of the Court of Bologna I presupposti e l’onere della prova sottesi all’azione di responsabilità ex art. 2476 c.c. [eclegal.it]

HERE we commented briefly comment on Legislative Decree no. 198/2021, by means of which Italy implemented Directive (EU) 2019/633 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 on unfair business-to-business commercial practices in the agri-food chain. The decree entered into force on 15 December 2021 and applies irrespective of the nationality…

During the AZIMUT LIBERA IMPRESA VIRTUAL EXPO event, which will take place on 6 and 7 April 2022, alternative credit, equity and fintech will be discussed. The professionals from Cartwright Pescatore and Aicardi&Partners will take part in discussions as regards in particular the following topics: Risk management and business planning: the importance of the forward-looking…

A comment on judgement No. 8012 of 11 March 2022 of the civil section of the Italian Court of Cassation. Responsabilità dell’amministratore in conflitto di interessi [eclegal.it]

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth, RaiDocumentari dedicates to Ugo Tognazzi, extraordinary actor, symbol of Italian and international cinema, a special prime time with “La voglia matta di vivere” (produced by Rai Documentari and Ruvido Produzioni, Dean Film, Surf Film and Mact Productions) on air tonight on Rai Due. It is an honour…

In the framework of the collaboration started two years ago between Cartwright Pescatore and Expert.ai, Giacomo Pescatore is pleased to participate as a lecturer to the webinar of 28 March 2022 entitled “Contract Analytics: improving control on contractual obligations through artificial intelligence” during which the perspectives of artificial intelligence in the legal activity will be…

We would like to thank ELSA Bologna, with which we are always pleased to exchange views, especially to talk about the future, even and above all in particular times like the ones we are living. We look forward to seeing you on 28 March 2022 at the Sala Armi and Sala Feste of Palazzo Malvezzi…

A comment on judgment No. 12994 of 15 May 2019 of the Italian Court of Cassation. Il credito del socio finanziatore di una società di capitali non è esigibile fino a quando non sia superata la situazione prevista dall’art. 2467, comma 2, c.c. [eclegal.it]

Prof. Avv. Pola Manes will participate at the Winter School 2022 dedicated to young Italian maxillo-facial surgeons. An event focused on practice and hands-on sessions for a full-time week, with also fascinating encroachments in related territories such as Human Anatomy and accompanied by keynotes of great interest on Artificial Intelligence and innovative materials. For further…

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