On 8 March, Professor Paola Manes will present the new book by Luciano Floridi, “Etica dell’Intelligenza artificiale”, to be published on 3 March by Raffaello Cortina editore. In the flyer you can find the link to participate to said event. Conversazioni…..8 marzo 2022

A comment on judgement No. 561 of 17 January 2022 of the civil section of the Court of Rome. Perdita di valore della partecipazione societaria per fatto illecito di terzi: il risarcimento del danno spetta solo alla società e non anche ai soci (eclegal.it)

In this video, we propose an in-depth analysis by our Eleonora Giacometti as regards the economic imbalance of contracts whose performance is prolonged in time following the recent increases in energy prices, as well as the remedies applicable to supply contracts according to the Italian legal system.

A comment on judgment No. 6391 of 18 February 2021 of the Criminal Division of the Italian Court of Cassation. Il principio di sussidiarietà nel sequestro preventivo finalizzato alla confisca per equivalente (eclegal.it)

The recent increases of prices in raw materials and the cost of electricity and gas have been the focus of academic opinion and case law on the issue of the unforeseeable economic imbalance in contracts which provide for performance over a period of time (“enduring contracts”).Indeed, it is evident that such enormous increases in production…

A comment on judgment of 3 January 2022 of the Court of Ravenna. Controversia avente ad oggetto il pagamento del compenso dell’amministratore: perché è competente la sezione specializzata in materia di impresa? [eclegal.it]

The first issue of the prestigious magazine “Trusts e attività fiduciarie in rete”, where our Prof. Paola Manes is part of the scientific advisory board, together with the most illustrious specialists in the field, is now online. Among the articles published in this first issue, we are pleased to point out the one written by…

At a time when the world is undergoing a profound, digital transformation, it is with great pleasure that we announce that Prof. Paola Manes will join the Scientific Advisory Board of the Centre for Digital Ethics (CEDE), directed by Luciano Floridi, which develops, coordinates, supports and disseminates normative research about the ethical challenges posed by…

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