For the third year running Cartwright Pescatore has been indicated amongst the “Law firms of 2021” in the edition of the research promoted by Statista for Il Sole 24 Ore, in collaboration with Guida al Diritto. This award comes just a few days after that received from Class Editori and MF-Milano Finanza, in collaboration with…

A comment on judgement No. 2166 of 8 May 2021 of the Specialised Enterprise Chamber of the Tribunal of Napoli Sono responsabili gli amministratori che intraprendono nuove iniziative imprenditoriali dopo lo scioglimento della società

IFAB (International Foundation Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Human Development) kicks off the “Lectures”, which represent a significant link between the research themes cultivated by the Foundation and its stakeholders: the scientific community, the Business community, young researchers and civil society as a whole. During these events, leading figures from the academic world and…

A comment on judgment No. 12912 of 24 April 2020 of the criminal section of the Italian Court of Cassation. L’amministratore di fatto di una società può essere ritenuto penalmente responsabile anche in presenza di attività di gestione della medesima società poste in essere dagli amministratori “di diritto”

Cartwright Pescatore has been listed amongst “The Best Lawyers and the Best Corporate Law Firms 2021” by the guide bearing the same name published by Class Editori and MF-Milano Finanza as an informative tool which is useful for businesses in search of consultants (currently on newsstands with MF-Milano Finanza and also available in digital format)….

A comment on Order No. 5605 of 2 March 2021 of the Fifth Civil Chamber of the Italian Court of Cassation. Se la società è cancellata dal registro delle imprese, l’impugnazione della sentenza va notificata ai soci

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Studio Legale Commerciale Cartwright Pescatore | P.IVA IT03714011206
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