On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nino Manfredi, extraordinary interpreter of unforgettable classic films of Italian comedy, Cartwright Pescatore is honoured to be mentioned in the credits of the film “Uno, nessuno, cento Nino” (produced by Rai Documentari, Istituto Luce Cinecittà and Ruvido Produzioni S.r.l. and whose trailer can be…
A comment on judgement No. 23489 of 27 October 2020 of the civil section of the Italian Court of Cassation. La legittimazione dell’associazione professionale all’insinuazione al passivo
A comment on order No. 28831 of 16 October 2020 of the Italian Court of Cassation. Il reato di infedeltà patrimoniale è integrato anche se la condotta consiste nel compimento di atti a rilevanza civilista astrattamente leciti
A commentary on the order of 1 December 2020 of the specialised section on corporate matters of the Court of Milan La violazione del quorum deliberativo giustifica la sospensione, in via cautelare, dell’efficacia della delibera assembleare
Professor Paola Manes, by virtue of her expertise in trusts and inheritance law, will participate as a speaker at the advanced course of “Cross Border Families – regulation of the crisis and the generational transfer of wealth” held by the University of Milan. Cartwright Pescatore, through a collaboration of more than ten years with Professor…